Wednesday, July 16, 2008


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The Movie Poster of Hancock seem predictable at first; a seclusion to clean-shaved, costume-wrapped contemporary superheroes, Until you see the end of the film. I went to see Hancock because Wall-E will not arrive until next week here, and I'm glad I did purchase the ticket.

The character of Charlize Theron is the most surprising in the knock of events (and it was the first time I see her in this new sexy light).

Though with super-powers, Hancock represents the common man filled with loneliness, emptiness, and despair, and this part made him connect with moviegoers. Yep, lonely people do things that is destructive, dangerous, and intimidating to the common eyes, but all of it was just a front to conceal a lonely heart, a plea for attentioin, to feel important...Overall, Hancock is yet another worthy performance from the Man who call himself "Legend" in the Box Office already twice this year.

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