Wednesday, October 10, 2007

She Blames Her Parents

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Lindsay Lohan has blamed her parents’ separation for her wild behavior. Lindsay has no right to blame her parents. She is old enough to know not to do stupid stuff and she has to pay the consequences.

The actress, who checked into a Utah rehab facility in August, recently reunited with her father Michael after more than three years of estrangement.

And the tearful get together at her temporary Cirque Lodge home made Lohan realise how important family is.

The wildchild, who spent the first half of 2007 caught up in drink-driving and drug possession legal woes, tells In Touch Weekly magazine: “I think it was really important for me to get a connection back with my dad because I hadn’t had that in a while.

“I can relate to other people who don’t have both parents or have parents that are separated. It can be hard and draining on the children and the family.

“I think the trouble in my family resulted in me rebelling and doing things to try to get my parents’ attention. But all in all, it’s better for me now to have them (in my life). It’s healthy.”

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