Thursday, November 15, 2007

George Clooney Voted Sexiest Man Alive

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After years of teasing by close friends George Clooney and Brad Pitt, Matt Damon has been adorned with the People Magazine coveted title of Sexiest Man Alive.

As the magazine's latest hits newsstands, the long standing rivalry and good natured ribbing between "Ocean" co-stars has permeated the set of those heist films and now, should there be a fourth, Damon can show up, People Magazine in hand, sending those "I'm Too Sexy" teases right back in their gorgeous faces.

Guess the "Ultimatum" worked for the Boston-born actor. After a phenomenal year that saw his already star power shoot to new heights, including a star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood, Damon tops off his year telling friends Clooney, Pitt and Affleck for that matter: I'm as sexy as you!

The married star who now lives in Florida, was named Hollywood's Most Bankable star by Fortune Magazine over the summer. I wonder which title means more to the thespian. I'm guessing the whole bankable thing!

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