Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mommy Makeovers

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Mommy Makeover

Many of today’s moms don’t feel they should sacrifice the way they look just because they’ve had children. At Rodeo Drive Plastic Surgery, they specialize in patients in their 20s, 30s and 40s. This often includes women who have had babies. These women usually want their tummies and breasts back the way they looked before pregnancy. They do many tummy tucks and breast lifts for these patients. Often they place small breast implants – not so much to increase size, but to give these women back the volume in the breasts that they lost during and after pregnancy.They might do a formal mastopexy or breast lift. Sometimes they also do liposuction. they have done these sort of Mommy Makeovers on women as young as 22 and as old as 64.
Many of their patients for the Mommy Makeover travel from out of town. Our staff can help with the planning of these sorts of trips.

The Mommy Makeover can sometimes be done during one surgery. Other times it is best to break the procedure up over more than one day. The patient’s body type and overall health helps us determine the best approach. They take many steps to assure both minimal pain and maximum safety during our procedures.

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1 Blah Blah Blah:

Anonymous said...

confidence is the way to go ladies.