Thursday, November 15, 2007

Halle Berry’s baby daddy stiff her?

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Halle Berry has never had great luck with men: her first hubby reportedly beat her, her second was a sex addict who cheated on her repeatedly. We hoped for the best with baby daddy Gabriel Abry, but it looks as though he may be a dud, too. Sources say that Aubry, a fashion model, is refusing to leave NY and move to LA, where Halle wants to raise their baby. "She's been shocked by the news. Halle had always assumed Gabriel would move to the west coast so they could live together as one happy family.

If Gabriel stays in New York, it'll
mean long separations. She knows their relationship won't survive and has been begging him to change his mind." Has this man lost his mind? Halle Berry is filthy rich and all she wants is a hot guy that won’t beat her up or cheat on her. All he has to do is sit around looking hot, bounce a baby once in a while, have sex with this fox and go shopping. How can you screw that up?

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