Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Horoscope Dec 5th

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Todays Featured Horoscopes

Gemini May 21 - June 21
For Wednesday, December 5
A new focus on health and diet will come into your life today, shifting your priorities away from taking the easy way out and toward putting in the hard effort that you know will pay off. It's time to face the facts and trim the fat -- literally! Investigate new ideas on how to eat better and exercise more. Ask around and don't just assume that your local gym has all the answers. There are many ways to approach this problem and get healthier in a fun way.

Aries March 21 - April 19

Things might feel light and airy at first, today, but by the mid-afternoon you should be able to sense some heavy business going on just beneath the surface. This subliminal weight doesn't have to slow you down, however. Keep your bright outlook and don't join in on anyone's pity party. Let them live under a cloud if they choose to, today. You can step away for a while and focus on going where it is that you want to go. You'll just need to be prepared to go there by yourself.

Taurus April 20 - May 20

If you are in the midst of planning something like a trip or a party, give yourself more time. As excited as you may be, you need to take your time and give yourself more space to do some research. You need to get a better grip on the forces around you before making any commitments -- especially regarding people and money. Now is not the time to be spontaneous! Do not let your emotions drive your actions until you know exactly what you are getting yourself into.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

You are the center of the action today, baby! Get ready for a lot of attention -- put on a sharp outfit, polish up your attitude, and practice a few one-liners. Your charm quotient is high, and it will act like a web today, snaring some attractive and influential people as you move throughout your day. Suddenly, folks who've known you for ages are seeing you in a new light. And the folks who encounter you for the first time today are asking each other 'who is THAT?'

Read Your Horoscope Here

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