Monday, December 24, 2007


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Some good news for a change about Whitney Houston. She made a tremendous comeback last Saturday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, performing several of her hits as if little time had passed.
Were we worried that drugs and alcohol had killed her voice? Yes, indeed. But video and audio from the concert, thanks to fans at the Live & Loud KL 07 show who posted on YouTube, reveal a cheery-looking, healthy Whitney hitting high notes and striking the right chord every time. Rumor has it that she will also sing in the Grammy’s with a duet with Alicia keys. Hopefully see will come back stronger then every. How refreshing to think that 2008 will be the year that the best singer of her generation will make a sterling comeback after a decade in the wilderness. Whitney Houston is definitely considered by many to be one of the most talented Diva's ever. Unfortunately since her marriage to "Bobby Brown" her career has almost seemed to quickly spiral out of control. Marriage to Bobby Brown was one of the main reasons that her career suffered in the first place. Now finally divorce with bobby things seem to be looking up.
hope that this comeback will help her return to the very talented Whitney Houston all known and love.

See the video

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