Monday, January 7, 2008

Halle Berry Is Excited: She Already Finished With Nursery

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Halle Berry, Celebrity Photo

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry still have a couple more months before baby, but the Oscar-winner is admitting that the parents-to-be just can’t wait.
“We're done with our nursery,” Halle told “Extra” at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, where she was honored with an achievement award. “That's been done for about a month. I'm that kind of Type-A personality!”
As for whether the nursery will be painted pink or blue, Halle said, “No, we’re going to wait. We’re going to be surprised.”
So how do you decorate the nursery without knowing the sex of the baby?
“Organic!” Halle explained. “Most all organic things are neutral and natural. We're doing soft greens.”
The gorgeous star, 41, and Gabriel, 31, will welcome their first child early this year – and Gabriel is as ready as can be.
"I've been in preparation mode for five months," Gabriel has told “Extra.” "I've read a lot of books."

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