Ever wondering what ever happened to White Boy from Season 1 of "I Love New York"?
Well, it seems that Michelle Patterson (a.k.a. Sista Patterson) and Joshua Gallander (a.k.a White Boy) have really been keeping in touch since the show's last season.

Well, according to one of MediaTakeOut.com's faithful, White Boy from the first season of I Love New York and Sister Patterson were spotted looking very much like a couple in Sin City.White Boy was spotted in a nightclub in Las Vegas last weekend, drinking and partying with "Real", fellow housemate during season 1 of I Love New York. A nightclub employee said White Boy was spotted getting into a stretch Hummer, followed by Sister Patterson who seemed to be coming from a club across the street. Later that night, the two were seen again checking into the Palms Hotel together.
Apparently the apple doesnt fall far from the tree in reality television, as it appears Sister Patterson (New Yorks godly mother) has found love via her daughters fame.
This picture doesnt prove much other than the fact that shes still busted as all hell and likes to sit on Whiteboys lap.
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