Going from virtual obscurity to being one of the most recognizable faces in pop music can be a tough adjustment. Just ask Rihanna.
The “Umbrella” singer recently got real about the dark side of being world famous. And she revealed that her success has led to a newfound loneliness.
She confessed, “Fame is lonely. At first, I was on an adrenaline high - this is my dream. I’m actually doing it; it didn’t faze me that I was alone, that I wasn’t with the people I love. But after a while it gets repetitive and that is when you think, ‘Oh wow, I am sitting in a hotel room once again, just me and the television.’”
Rihanna quickly realized that success is only surface deep. “When you are in the spotlight, people are like, ‘What do you have to worry about?’ They forget that the success is one great aspect of your life, but behind that there are problems, there are dark sides, there is loneliness and unhappiness.”
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